Sunday 13 October 2019

Music as a Psychological Term

Why do we listen to music? What gives the people need to listen to those melodies, combined with sounds, instruments and so forth?

The music, from a professional perspective, can be categories in a psychological sense, which basically represents the moods and themes. That sense gives the listener inner understanding of the current or past: conflict, relation, feel, experience, and so on. Since the music is driven by the most popular trends, the content shows what the majority is into listening, and those who create the biggest industries are driven by the knowladge of the human-people psyche. They know, what needs to sound and how, to make them do what they would like them to do.

But what about those unintentional, small producers, artists, composers, musicians, etc? Those who just follow the need of making music, or kind of getting lost in what they are trying to show through their musical creation? What is driving the Creator of the Creation?

As, myself, have been deeply involved in making whatever I felt to create, and later released and still releasing what came out, it has given me a deeper understanding of why I did it that way, from where I got it and what it means to me, but...what it means to others. One of the first realization about what I have created musically, it the influance I have taken, mostly unintentinally, from other type of media and experience. Also, this influence turned into a translation of what was inside me, that I could not ever released to the public. So, I used music to present my struggles, my fears, my joys, my confidence, and more, to show it to others.

Once my Mother, told me to not ask many questions. While my sister was always trying to conquer and dominate over me, my step father was someone who I feared and have been inspired by. My biological father, was the source of the knowladge, which later became a tool to what I have done with music, as his father, my grandfather, was...a tragedy, as I heared. A tragedy, becasue in the time of the socialism and communism, artists were considered and illness. While Todays so called "left-wing" people, who consider themselves artists and entertainers, seem to be going towards a social-communistic ideaology. Perhaps, they are just suicidal?

The music I have created, and still release up untill this day, was a therapy to me. Gave me confidence, when I showed it to the people on the internet. Provided me with financial resources, to go through taugh times, thanks to those who decided to listen, comment, share, like and pay money for it. Allowed me to understand the world more realistically, I think, as I understood what the moods are presented, what themes and styles I made, as the platforms who published and distributed it, categorised it accordingly with their knowladge.

For that, I am greatful, that there is a place, thanks to the internet and the technology, as well as people, who support those like me, positively and negatively.

With best regards,
Voytek Pavlik

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